Country Life Finder Report

Find a new life in the country. This is our unique service, helping you to pinpoint the best villages or rural areas for your country re-location search. We give each individual client a full and detailed assessment and report our recommendations.
With our local knowledge and experience and the research we have completed, London2Country are in an excellent position to advise on the perfect search area for a move out of London. We achieve this by analysing your needs and desires and produce a written 'Life Finder' report recommending ideal, specific areas for your re-location.
For our location matching report we will conduct a detailed e-mail and/or telephone interview to ascertain your particular requirements.

We will consider the following points:
- Your current home situation.
- The reasons you are making the move.
- The work and travel needs of you and your family members.
- Any future plans for career development.
- Any changes including ‘own business’ or working from home ambitions.
- Your budget parameters for the new home.
We will also discuss your aspirations for the country house covering relevant points including:
- The size of your new home, number of bedrooms and reception and other rooms.
- Do you want a home that is spacious or more manageable?
- The type of home you would prefer, its age and style.
- The condition of the property.
- Its gardens and grounds
- Outbuildings and ancilliary buildings
- Sport and leisure facilities.
- The immediate environs.
Additionally we will take into account:
- Education needs and preferences, both immediate and mid/long-term.
- Your interests; sporting, cultural, social...
- The dreams you have for your country life and any concerns you have about what you might miss when you leave the city.
- Your I.T. needs.
- Your commitment to, or interest in, an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
- Your responsibilities regarding extended family members.
- Closeness to health or welfare services.
We will review any property searches or viewings you have already made and produce our report recommending named places, explaining how these locations will fulfil your requirements. Comprehensive information on travel, school and local facilities, both the essential and the life-enriching, will be included, along with details for at least 3 properties currently on the market that we believe will be of potential interest.
Our report is based on our local knowledge and comprehensive research but will not include a preview viewing by us of the properties at this stage.
The fee for our report is a flat rate £500. We believe this service is of great benefit to all making the move out of London. We will save you the time and expense of viewing properties in unworkable locations. Our research can reveal areas to fit your brief that might otherwise only be discovered by word-of-mouth recommendations or sheer lucky accident.
Buying the wrong home in the wrong place is a very expensive blunder with agent’s fees, legal costs and the dreaded stamp duty knocking value off your assets every time you move – to say nothing of what the stress is thought to do to our life spans!
Renting in a new area to ‘test it out’ was a good idea when interest rates on savings were good and the housing market was static or even falling. These days interest on your capital will neither contribute significantly to your house buying pot nor towards your rent costs. And, you will have to shoehorn your lives into what will always feel like ‘someone else’s home’. Minimum rental contracts are always at least a year, which is a long time for a little boy to put up with pink butterflies on his wallpaper!
Our best advice is to market your current property and pull out all the stops to find a great life in the country. In this endeavour, we are here to help.